what do you need to know?


Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Our performance guarantee applies to Extended Engagements and is written into each contract to reflect the target criteria agreed.  It comes into effect if there is no evidence of improvement or the criteria set are not achieved.  Should this happen, Presentic will at its discretion offer additional services at no additional charge or a monetary refund in accordance with the contract. 


We work with small and medium sized organistions, primarily those based in Western Australia however we are happy to talk to any organisation where ever they are so please don’t let location or distance be a barrier.

Call us and lets see what we can do… GET IN TOUCH NOW

Our work centres on increasing organisational performance through brand, people and opportunity.  Benefits will generally flow through to sales, operations, leadership, customer service and public relations.  Communication plays in integral part of our work  and so anyone involved in sharing ideas, motivation, briefings, information sessions, inductions, instructing, workshops should have access to better outcomes, often before the program reaches mid point. 

Yes you can cherry pick.  We provide recommendations and options on your specific circumstances and as per your priorities, time frame and budget. 

presentic: (Adj.) of an action or state: such as would be suitably expressed by the present tense.  Also (of a verb form or paradigm): appropriate for referring to present actions or states.

This really depends on many variables because each assignment is different.  What we can say with confidence is that longer engagements show a higher return on investment and deeper change which is generally more visible / obvious.

Each organisation and individual has different requirements so we offer an obligation free consultation after which we will provide you with an estimate and or written quotation as appropriate.


When we talk about brand we are talking holistically, how we represent as well as how carry our own brand.  While we don’t need to spend a lot of time actually working on our brand it is always relevant.

We work with individuals and organisations of any size, sector or industry however we do reserve the right to choose who we work with and how we work with them.

Happy to help those that help others.  Get in touch and let’s see how we can best assist.

No matter whether you are a commercial entity, local government or a not for profit – BRAND is as important to your organisation as air is for you to breath.  Firstly lets be clear, while artwork, logos colours and fonts are important, these are just but one aspect of a brand.  Brand sets the tone, mood, attitude and energy level for everything, everyone, everywhere……too much to explain here but hopefully you get the idea.

Sure, give us a call or drop us an email so we can set one up.

This is a real can of worms, how long have you got?  Let’s start with old habits, fear of the unknown and the disruptive nature of change itself.  Then lets add some previous bad experience to ego, personality clashes, politics and self belief to a hill of commitment, engagement and ownership issues.   The good news is that while these issues may be near on impossible to eradicate, they can be mitigated and managed.  If the projects roll out successfully, benefits become clearer and the challenges become more deserving of effort. 

These are all significant moments in history capturing communication in action.  Yes they are old and yes we could have used photos of ourselves at work (but this was not at all appealing) or some staged stock images but they wouldn’t be authentic.

We prefer to look at workplace culture as an evolution of continuous improvement so rather than having an end date we have milestones that tell us we have made progress.   Change is a constant and the interplay of brands, people and opportunities are the forces a culture must adapt to.

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